Month: December 2021

CBD vs. THC: Differences, Effects, and Side Effects

Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as CBD and THC respectively, are both Cannabinoids found in Marijuana and hemp. Marijuana, also known as Cannabis, is obtained from the Cannabis plant species such as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis rudelaris. Marijuana contains more THC than CBD, but hemp contains more CBD than THC. Both cannabinoids have the same molecular formula (C21H30O2). Their concentration is about 314g/mole. The two have many medical benefits. CBD is used to relieve pain and anxiety, while THC is used to ease nerve pain, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease tremors, and nausea. Both chemicals interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system sourcing some health effects. CBD vs. THC differences and outcomes should be clear before you use either of the two. It is illegal to some federal level. In some states, Cannabis is legal. Before you use any Cannabis product, you should be familiar with the state’s laws.  

Differences between CBD and THC  

Despite having similarities in their chemical structure, CBD and THC have structural differences. One CBD vs. THC structural difference is that THC has a cyclic ring, but CBD has a hydroxyl group. The structural difference accounts for the difference in their psychoactive effects after use.  

Effects of CBD and THC 

The two cannabinoids have different effects on the user. You might wonder why the two have diverse side effects, and both are cannabinoids. Well, the answer lies in the difference in their structural differences.                                                                                                                     One of the diversity in CBD vs. THC effects is that CBD does not yield the so-called high impact associated with THC. THC has a similar shape as the CB1 receptors in the human brain. Its shape makes it easy for the THC to bind perfectly with the CB1 receptors. Thus, hindering the release of neurotransmitters that are responsible for mood, appetite, and pain responses. However, the shape of the CBD does not allow it to bind with the CB1 receptors, thus no high effect. THC causes euphoria and sedation after use. 

Side effects of CBD and THC 

Despite having some medical benefits, CBD and THC have health effects that may harm your health. The cannabinoids contain hydrogen cyanide and ammonia that affect the respiratory system. This may lead to coughing, phlegm, or wheezing. CBD vs. THC side effects may be short-term or even long-term. CBD causes nausea, diarrhea, and tiredness. THC causes problems with concentration, drowsiness, dizziness, and memory loss. 

In conclusion, CBD vs. THC differences and side effects should be apparent to the user before use. Cannabinoids have positive effects as well as adverse effects. You should know the correct levels to use to avoid fatal consequences.     

High quality weed :-

Uses for functional mushrooms

Mushrooms also referred to as toadstool, are edible fungus known to provide various important nutrients. They are typically produced above ground, on soil on its food source. A mushroom is somehow like the plant’s fruit, except the ‘seeds’ produced are numerous microscopic spores forming in the gills or pores below the mushroom cap.

Not only are mushrooms a source of food, but some strains possess beneficial properties that can impact the eater’s health positively. These strains are referred to as functional or “medicinal” mushrooms. For thousands of years, they have been used in East Asian medicine for their health-boosting attributes.  

Later on in this article, we will dive into the various uses for functional mushrooms, but for now, let us first understand the various types of functional mushrooms.

Types of functional mushrooms

If you look for a functional mushroom today in the market, you will have a hard time choosing what to buy from the vast varieties available. Well, here is a list of the most famous and beneficial mushrooms available:  

  1. Reishi mushroom
  2. Chaga mushroom
  3. Cordyceps
  4. Lion’s mane
  5. Shiitake
  6. Turkey tail


As earlier stated, the Uses for functional mushrooms date back centuries in East Asia for boosting one’s health. Let’s take a look at the functions of the mushrooms as mentioned above.

Reishi mushroom was given the nickname “the mushroom of immortality” because of its anti-cancer properties and boosting the immune system. It is also commonly used to reduce stress by supporting healthy and restful sleep.

Chaga mushroom has a traditional reputation of fighting tumors, boosting the immune system, and alleviating chronic inflammation. To best utilize the mushroom’s benefits, you will have to wait for it to mature, a period of 15 to 20 years.

    Cordyceps is a parasitic mushroom growing on a live host. The mushroom is thought to increase ATP (responsible for supplying muscles with energy) production in the body. This property is used to assist in energy levels and is mostly found in natural pre-workout formulas.

Lion’s mane has been linked to improving cognitive function and boost brain health. Also can be used to alleviate mild symptoms of depression and anxiety. Traditionally, the mushroom was used by monks to assist them while they meditated.

Shiitake mushrooms for thousands of years have been a medicinal food and a good vegetarian protein source. The mushroom not only has mood-improving effects but is also believed to make your skin glow and hair shine.

Turkey tail mushroom is famous for alleviating chronic inflammation, battling tumors, and boosting the immune system.


Mushrooms are not widely used since they are not as famous as they were thousands of years ago. However, recent research on healthier lifestyles shines a light on them, helping us understand the science behind their traditional uses.


The number of people adopting the uses for functional mushrooms increases as people continue discovering the benefits these mushrooms have to offer.

Click here for mushroom powder

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